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Auditory integration training

Published November 2014

Download the full evidence summary PDF: Auditory Integration Training

PLEASE NOTE: This summary was produced more than 4 years ago. Information provided may be out of date. If you think it would be helpful to update this summary please contact us at

What were we asked?

A parent queried what the evidence was for Tomatis treatment, and whether it was simply a calming therapy or had some medical benefits. Tomatis is a specific type of sound therapy used with children with ADHD, Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Learning Difficulties (LD).

Key findings

  • The Tomatis Method is a complementary or alternative treatment which is only provided privately. The treatment is a form of Auditory Integration Training.
  • Currently, there is no high quality evidence that Auditory Integration Training can provide improvement in children’s functioning or communication over what would be expected with typical development over time.
Note: This information is produced by PenCRU researchers and reviewed by external experts. The views expressed are those of PenCRU at the University of Exeter Medical School and do not represent the views of the Cerebra charity, or any other parties mentioned. We strongly recommend seeking medical advice before undertaking any treatments/therapies.