- New Healthy Parent Carers Paper published
- PenCRU in Bruges
- Improving continence survey results
- Javiera celebrates
- Family Faculty trip to the Circus
- Parent and physiotherapist engagement paper published by Phill
- Javiera's occupational therapy paper published
- Highest score awarded to Eileen!
- Healthy Parent Carers Implementation Paper Published-
- New Paper on Cerebral Palsy Research
- PenCRU team in Slovenia
- Healthy Parent Carers at European conference
- New Team Members
- Cerebral Palsy research
What is the Peninsula Childhood Disability Research Unit?
The Peninsula Childhood Disability Research Unit (PenCRU) seeks to carry out research that families with disabled children think is useful and relevant to their lives.
PenCRU responds to questions from families about therapies and health services for children and young people affected by disability or who have special or additional health needs.
We involve families affected by childhood disability in all aspects of our research and related activities.
Our 'What's the Evidence?' reports summarise what is known about the effectiveness about a particular treatment or therapy. These are written in response to questions from families.
Families have previously asked: Is there any evidence that Conductive Education is effective to improve functioning for children with Cerebral Palsy and Brain Injury and Motor Disorders?
We have built up a large faculty of families from around Devon and the UK who are interested in our work. Our members are mainly parents of children living in Devon, with a few from farther afield. Membership of the Family Faculty can keep you informed about the work that we are doing and you can be involved at a level that suits you.