Family Faculty Experiences
Family Faculty Experiences
Don't just hear it from us, let our Family Faculty members tell you what they think of working with us!
Parent voices videos
Family Faculty members have told us why they are involved in the PenCRU Family Faculty, and give examples of how they have worked with us. Watch more videos.
PenCRU - becoming a Family Faculty member
Julia Melluish talks about why she become a Family Faculty member for the PenCRU research group at the University of Exeter Medical School
Family Faculty quotes:
- I have been involved with PenCRU for a few months on a variety of projects and have thoroughly enjoyed my experience on each visit.... I feel as if I have made new friends and I am, in some small way, helping to contribute to assisting families with disabled children now and in the future.
- A sense of autonomy; A space for reflection; Confidence; Lunch; A break from banging my head against the brick wall of ‘services’; Lunch; Social enrichment!!!; Inclusion; Money; Lunch
- At the first meeting I realised that everyone was dressed ‘all proper like’ and I realised my very comfy, falling to pieces jumper was covered in the ‘marks’ of caring [mainly felt-tip pen]; yet my experience was of acceptance and equality. I experienced being appreciated and being listened to, which was quite a buzz.
- I continue to be struck by the deeply un-controlling manner by which sessions are organised and facilitated at PENCRU; I would encourage other’s groups to get proficient in such skills; to appreciate the freedom it affords; and to actively oppose practices that rely on imposing ‘on to’ those they are involved with for their results.
- I have enjoyed looking at online information; I have helped to read through materials to see if they make sense to a parent/carer. Not only do I feel I'm being of some use to others in my situation, but I also get useful up to date information as well. I feel like the insight I have is of some use to somebody and if I can help anyone by my experiences I am very glad to.
- It was good to be sat around a table with parents of special needs children and to be able to share experiences with them..... The fact that PenCRU covered expenses and lunch was excellent. Doing this is likely to encourage people to participate.
- Feeling that others have had similar struggles and we're all in this together even if I haven't met these parents who've shared the same difficulties we've faced. In other words, our struggles are part of a wider picture and we're not isolated or failing.
Some members have also writen longer blog pieces about their exeriences of being part of the Family Faculty which you may like to see on our Family Faculty Blog page.