Advanced Biomechanical Rehabilitation for children with cerebral palsy and/or learning disability

Published November 2015

Download the full evidence summary PDF: Advanced Biomechanical Rehabilitation

What were we asked?

We were asked about the effectiveness of Advanced Biomechanical Rehabilitation (ABR) for children with cerebral palsy and/or learning disability.

Key findings

Advanced Biomechanical Rehabilitation (ABR) is a ‘hands-on’ manual therapy similar to deep-tissue massage which targets fascia connective tissues around and between muscles.
ABR involves training parents to treat their children; it requires a significant financial investment and time commitment for the child and family.

There are no peer-reviewed published studies providing evidence for the effectiveness of ABR. This means that the claims have not been verified by independent assessment.

This information is produced by PenCRU researchers and reviewed by external experts. The views expressed are those of PenCRU at the University of Exeter Medical School and do not represent the views of the Cerebra charity, or any other parties mentioned. We strongly recommend seeking medical advice before undertaking any treatments/therapies.